Rest Assured integration tests for

In my very popular Tester’s toolbox - an alternative guide I listed few examples of free public APIs that can be used for learning Rest Assured. Recently I have found one more site - Having in mind that my last API test post was almost exactly one year ago I decided to utilize my latest finding and show you few examples. JSON Test API has few excellent functionalities for people who want to learn.

In order to use Rest Assured in your Maven project add this dependency:


Rest Assured GET examples

As a nice beginning I suggest to test This endpoint prints your current IP address. Here is simple test case that looks pretty much like copy/paste from excellent getting started guide. Please note that you would most likely have to update partOfMyIp String.

    public void ipTest() {
        String partOfMyIp = "142";

                .body("ip", containsString(partOfMyIp));

Second endpoint - date.jsontest.comreturns date in three formats. Dealing with a time in tests can be tricky (flaky) so I decided to assert only date in MM-dd-yyyy format.

    public void dateTest() {

        Date date = new Date();
        String dateMMddyyyy = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").format(date);

                .body("date", equalTo(dateMMddyyyy));

There is also that gets the values from URL.

    public void mirrorTest() {

        String firstKey = "firstKey";
        String firstValue = "firstValue";
        String secondKey = "secondKey";
        String secondValue = "secondValue";

                "", firstKey, firstValue, secondKey, secondValue))

                .body(firstKey, equalTo(firstValue))
                .body(secondKey, equalTo(secondValue));

Another endpoint - cookie.jsontest.comsets the cookie as response. Here is the test that asserts if the cookie was set.

    public void cookieTest() {
                .cookie("jsontestdotcom", is(notNullValue()));

The most fun you may get from This endpoint reads headers from your request and prints them in response. I decided to send XML with UTF-8 enconding and assert Content Type.

    public void printSentHeaders() {

        RestAssuredConfig utf8Config
                = RestAssured.config()

                .body("Content-Type", equalTo("application/xml; charset=UTF-8"));

Rest Assured POST examples

Those were GET examples. Now we would use POST method and send some data. Please note that .queryParam() method has to be defined in given() section which is a little bit strange for me. I’d rather code that in when() section after providing url.

First endpoint your text and returns it together with calculated md5 checksum.

    public void shouldPrintMd5() {
        String myRandomText = "My random text";
        String md5 = md5Hex(myRandomText);

                .queryParam("text", myRandomText)
                .body("md5", equalTo(md5))
                .body("original", equalTo(myRandomText));

Final endpoint which I decided to test It takes ‘json’ queryParam value and validates if it’s parse-able (i.e. if it’s correctly formatted json). Below is simple happy path:

    public void postSuccessfulBasicValidationTest() {
        String parsableJson = "{\"key\":\"value\"}";

                .queryParam("json", parsableJson)
                .body("validate", equalTo(true));

And negative path:

    public void postFailedValidationTest() {
        String nonParsableJson = "{\"key\":\"value";

                .queryParam("json", nonParsableJson)
                .body("validate", equalTo(false));

As usual all code from this post (+1 extra test) and from my previous Rest Assured Post is available on my GitHub project.


